Most business people are driven by success. So what does that mean exactly? Perhaps its creating a lifestyle you want, credibility, and confidence. Maybe its something else? Whatever success looks like for you, that’s exactly right.
No matter how successful your business is, you’ll be aware of the noisy marketing around super success. Before you know it the ‘Super Successful Ones’ will be banging down your door.
Who are the Super Successful Ones?
They are the ones who have more than you, bigger than you, and better than you. And they want you to join their gang. NOW! WHILE THERE ARE STILL SPACES LEFT ON THIS SELL OUT NEVER TO BE REPEATED SECRETS TO SUPER SUCCESS PROGRAMME THAT ONLY SUPER SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT. TODAY!
So, the pressure is on, and like it or not, you will probably find yourself measuring your business according to someone else’s ‘success yardstick’ and wondering what it is they know that you don’t.
When the Super Success Noise Gets Noisier
You get bombarded with noisy marketing about what being super successful looks like from every angle, especially if you use social media.
Somewhere deep in your subconscious you become aware of a sense of lack, and you start thinking, “what if my business isn’t successful enough?”
The Search is on
The natural temptation is to compare yourself to the apparent success of others, and slowly but surely feelings of inadequacy creep in.
In a bid to know more and keep up with the super successful, you become even more aware of the noise. You begin to buy into how much more you could have. If they can do it, so can you, right!
You decide you want Super Success. Maybe you buy the programme. Fair play. You asked!
And so you push on. Finding solutions. Buying resources. Getting fixed. Sometimes you hit the jackpot and a major success comes your way. You can do it! You can achieve more. And after the glory of your win, you’re back in there looking for bigger and better. You did it once, so you can do it again.
If this is where you’re at and it’s working well for you, great! I invite you to get clear about what you did, check in that is still feels good, really good, and repeat.
Sometimes you’re left feeling even more inadequate. You may become overwhelmed by the mountain of work ahead of you. Your confidence is likely to have dipped too, as you spiral into a familiar story “I’m not good enough”.
Ah yes, I’ve been there. Despite the fact that I love my business with a passion, for a while that wasn’t enough.
The Super Successful Ones were telling me over and over what I should be saying, at what time of the day, and to whom. They were telling me how much bigger and better my business could be if I signed up to their £10,000 programme.
Finally, the noise got on my nerves and the penny dropped.
How could I quiet the noise without disconnecting myself from every social media platform going?
I Needed to Decided What Success was for me
What if I realised my version of success wasn’t the same as theirs? Did I really want to become a worldwide brand, with a million pound turnover? Heck no! I got really clear about what success looked like for me and I remembered that I like a simple life and I have simple needs.
If you’re interested to know what my measure of success is these days, read my blog ‘How to Achieve Balance When Busyness is King’.
My version of success is not everyone’s, and that’s okay. Your version of success is whatever feels right for you. And if Super Success is your thing, go for it!
You’ll know if it isn’t because your nervous system feels on edge at the thought of it. Your body holds tension. Your chest feels restricted.
Once you know what success is for you, the noise becomes a gentle hum and your nervous system relaxes as the tension releases. You can choose when to tune in to the noise, and if it fits with your version of success, you can listen. You might even take notes, read the book or buy the programme.
It works for me to evolve and learn. Being a soul with simple needs doesn’t make me a dumbass!
You will no longer feel bombarded by others’ success, because you can choose not to hear it. You will feel less and less overwhelmed by what they tell you, you should be doing, and more and more inclined to listen to your inner wisdom. Your business feels manageable once again. You know what works for you. No-one understands you better than you. No-one understands your business better than you.
3 Ways to Avoid the Pressure of Super Success in Business
- Tune into your own inner wisdom, the answer to understanding what success is for you lies within you, not outside of you
- Understand how you want your business to serve you
- Get clear about who you want to serve, and why
If you’d like help understanding what success looks like for you, I offer a free, no obligation 40 minute conversation to chat about how things are for you right now, and talk about your options.