Chris is on the treadmill of life. Caught up with the never-ending round of meetings, appraisals, budget cuts, data analysis and being polite to people she wouldn’t otherwise choose to pass the time of day with. After a long commute on an over-crowded train she’s presented with a grumpy 20 something who’s only just got up and is moaning that he can’t find any clean socks. The pile of washing that’s been steadily oozing out of the laundry basket, still hasn’t been treated to a spin in the washer by the invisible housemaid fairy.
The headline ‘Are You Making Time For You?’ jumps off the front page of her latest unread monthly and all she can do is laugh, bitterly.
Overwhelmed. Dissatisfied. Under-valued. Just about keeping up with life. Exhausted. Sound familiar?
Where to start?
I ask my clients to give themselves permission. Permission to stop and take a breath. Permission to spend just an hour or two with their foot off the accelerator, and take a step back from it all. ‘You cannot solve a problem in the same space it was created’ – Albert Einstein. I’m sure you’ll have experienced walking away from a problem only to find the answer comes to you while you’re doing something completely unrelated, or after a good night’s sleep.
Not one of my clients has ever died doing that. Its true! There really is life after stopping for an hour.
A client said to me this week, ‘I deliberately left my mobile at home while I went out for the evening’. For her, this was a massive deal, and it required the services of a hypnotherapist to get her to that point. Your need to be doing, doing, doing might not be that extreme, but even if it is, I can guarantee that if you do decide to give yourself some time out, you’ll feel better. Your world will not collapse into a big hole in the ground, and you might even come up with some ideas that will make your life easier. You may even explore some possibilities – new career choices maybe, or something simple, like deciding to get a cleaner.
If taking some time out to review and focus on your career would be beneficial for you, then you might like to join me on one of my Exploring Possibility Workshops. You’ll spend 2 hours being gently guided through some exercises based on my e-workbook of the same name, and you’ll come away with an action plan based on your thoughts and ideas. No-one’s going to be telling you what to do, or what’s best for you. The workshops will be held in small groups at the really low cost of £10 per person.
Alternatively, you can download my free e-workbook ‘Exploring Possibility’ (look up and to the right of your screen) and work through the exercises yourself.
If you would prefer to discuss your specific circumstances with me, please contact me and I’d be happy to offer you a free 20 minute consultation to see if I’m the right coach for you.