Stress affect us all in different ways. Most of us experience times in our lives when stress levels soar and we feel overwhelmed. A few kind words from a friend is often all we need to get a handle on things. Occasionally we need someone who can help us build resilience and get clarity about what we want going forward.
I was immersed in a prolonged and relentless period of stress which was impacting all aspects of my life. I felt limited by a constant sense of lack and I was playing ‘small’. I had tried quite a number of options to move me out of the ‘fog’ and back to my best self with limited effect.
I have to confess at first I was a bit sceptical – some tapping really can shift what felt like a deep rooted disenabler? However Sandra’s passion and belief in EFT was inviting and I soon felt at ease, supported and encouraged.
I have had 3 sessions with Sandra so far and each has created a profound shift. I have moved from a strong sense of carrying a heavy weight, to fog and then to stillness. By stillness I mean a total sense of OK-ness, it is way deeper than calm, it has sustainability; this feels like my natural state of being. JS – Leadership Coach, Harpenden
One to One Stress Coaching
I use a number of methodologies to help manage stress, including visualisation, mindfulness and EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is sometimes known as Tapping.
What is EFT and how does it work?
EFT works very gently on the physiological link between your body and your mind. We hold feelings deep within us. Expressions such as ‘I’m sick with worry’, ‘She’s got the weight of the world on her shoulders and ‘I’ve got a gut feeling about this’ give us an insight into this, but most of us aren’t consciously aware of it.
By tapping gently on specific points on our head and upper torso whilst repeating phrases that describe your worries and concerns, we can calm down these physiological and psychological connections.
The aim is to reduce this connection to such a point that it gently dissolves away, allowing you to release unhelpful thoughts and feelings.
What are the benefits of using EFT?
EFT works quickly and effectively. In many cases, one session is all that is required. The ‘brain fuzz’ that often comes with stress allows you to think more clearly. Beliefs you created many years ago that no longer serve you can gently fade away and allow you to create new, more helpful ones.
Importantly, it’s a technique that you can use at home once you’ve gone through it with me. It’s an incredibly forgiving technique and no harm can be done, so you can rest assured that all you’ll gain are benefits!
How Long is a Session?
I usually allow 90 minutes for your first session, and follow up sessions are an hour, depending on your situation.
Your Investment:
90 minutes – £95
60 minutes – £80
Three Sessions (to be completed in three months)
Includes an initial 90 minute session plus two sessions of 60 minutes.
Six Session (to be completed in 12 months)
Six sessions at 60 minutes.
For more information about the professional organisation I belong to, and the Advanced Level Accreditation I hold please visit AAMET.
I can work face to face with people in the Luton, Harpenden and Hitchin areas and just as effectively over the internet for anyone else. Please contact me to discuss how I can help you.
My work with children and schools
Our children face more pressure than ever. I am working with kids who are stressed by exams and other stress inducing challenges. If you would like to know how I can help you and your child please visit my Stress Busting for Kids and Parents.
Stress Busting Workshops for Parents and Kids are running in Luton April 2019.