12 hours coaching – to be completed within 12 months
Pinpoint and tackle any road-blocks that might stop you achieving a career that you’ll love, and take significant steps towards achieving it.
‘I can’t quite believe we have finished the 12 hour programme. Thank you so much for your guidance and support over the last few months. What started off as a desire to find a new career ended up with plans to start a new life – the programme really made me analyse everything in my life, not just my job. Throughout the sessions you kept me on track, made me feel hopeful, allowed me to believe I can do whatever I want to do. The future is looking very bright!’
– Kath C, St Albans
The Road Map Includes access to email support and up to 15 mins of additional telephone support between sessions.
Includes everything in Pave the Way, plus:
- Your past provides clues to your future. If you haven’t worked out what your ideal career is yet, we’ll take an in-depth look at your past and use it to help find clues about your ideal career. If you’ve already worked out what you want to do, we can use this session to identify any emotional blocks that may be holding you back from your ideal future.
- Overcome beliefs that are holding you back. If you have an unhelpful belief, such as ‘I’d never be able to earn the kind of income I get now doing what I love’, then the chances are your prophecy will be accurate. Using EFT, you can change that belief into one that will support your new career choice.
- Face your finances. So many people halt progress towards their dream career because they fear the numbers won’t stack up. This is a chance to re-look at your finances, with a completely different perspective.
- Rally support from others. Identify who you know who will support, and encourage you, as well as those who may hold the keys to opportunity. For many of my clients, this session has proved to be one of their most beneficial.
- Create opportunities. Right thought, gives rise to right action. Right action inspires others. You can create opportunities where previously you thought none existed.
- Create a powerful outcome for your future. In this session we’ll look at how creating a vision alongside an intention is far more powerful than any SMART goal could ever be!
Interested in The Road Map? Please contact me to arrange a 20 minute free consultation and we’ll discuss if this is the right programme for you.
Consultations are held in Luton or Harpenden, Hertfordshire only 30 minutes by train from London, or by phone or Skype.