If a career change is on your mind, maybe this will be the year you make it happen? Or maybe your small business will ramp up a gear and really take off? Whatever you’re dreaming of, I would encourage you to set some time aside to think about what you want. I prefer desired outcomes versus goals which often have a habit of not being reached, usually because of circumstances outside our control. Understandably a feeling of failure often precedes a missed goal, tending to knock our resolve and as a result we become disillusioned, not just with the goal, but with ourselves.
A desired outcome is a much healthier way to think about goals. Not only do you get to think about what you want, but equally importantly you get to think about what you want to feel once you’ve achieved your goal. This is often missed, but so important. When you aim for how you want to feel, you can relatively easily re-adjust your emotional trajectory along the way, even when external factors impact the trajectory of your goal. If you make it a habit to check in with how you feel as well as whether the objectives are being met, you’ll find the experience a whole lot more joyful.
The best way to check in with yourself is to work with someone who has your back. This supporter could be a good friend, a mentor, a coach, or a group of fellow supporters in the form of a Mastermind Coaching Group. The benefits of working with others in this way can be found on my blog about the subject here.
If working with a fellow group of like-minded supporters sounds like something you’d be interested in then you may be interested in my Achieve Your Desired Outcomes Programme, especially aimed at small business owners. Career changers may benefit from my Career Changers Club.
If you prefer the idea of working 121 with a coach, then I’d be happy to offer you a free 40 minute telephone or skype chat to review where you’re at now, and talk about where you would like to be. Contact me to see how I can help you.