It’s so easy to find yourself on the treadmill of life. Before you know it your kids are at Uni, your social life consists of an occasional Friday night cocktail with colleagues and you’re divorce is coming through any day now. Sweeping statements maybe, but you get the drift.
So, before it gets any worse, here’s a light-hearted look at my top 10 signs that your work has taken over your life:
1) You can’t remember where you put the gym club membership card you bought last January
2) The delivery driver for your weekly grocery shop knows your name
3) You received a birthday card from the office cleaner
4) You have a saved file on your phone that says ‘ working late, I’ll text you when I leave’
5) Your garden looks like it belongs to Mr Messy, though there is a wild meadow patch because you did get a chance to scatter some seeds one day in the summer
6) The longest chat you have with your friends is at Christmas when you email them an electronic greeting card, and attach your annual ‘a year in the life of…..’
7) You’re looking forward to a home cooked meal tonight, a microwave meal for one.
8) You have more than three books on your bedside cabinet still waiting to be read
9) Your kitchen table looks more like your office desk, than your office desk does
10) Your laptop has a key that always sticks because you spilled your microwave meal on it
If your work has spilled over into your life, and you’re life is suffering as a result, you may benefit from a clarity coaching session to help you see the wood from the trees, and make some new decisions that will help you get your life back.
As Arianna Huffington said recently,
“Have you ever been to a funeral and heard someone say, ‘you know George was absolutely amazing, he increased market share by one third. Or Mary, did you know she made SPD by 35 and she never ate lunch away from her desk and her Power Points were incredible!’. These things we celebrate every day, but what are we giving our euologisers to work with?”
For tips and help to create a better work life balance read my previous blog ‘How to Achieve Life Balance When Busyness is King’.
Contact me to discuss how I can help, I look forward to hearing from you.