Can’t wait to re-charge your batteries, gain some perspective and generally blow those cobwebs away? Is your hamster wheel spinning so fast that you can’t find a way to get off? Are you having trouble getting creative because you’re only able to react to problems rather than plan for growth?
“I can’t wait for my summer holiday” can be an expression of delight and excitement about a plan that’s coming together, and a sign of good times ahead,. That’s good news! But if its a cry of desperation, then what’s that saying about your life?
I fell into the ‘going on holiday to get away from it all’ culture when I worked in the Corporate world. Don’t get me wrong, I had some amazing holidays. I saw places and met people that hold a special place in my memory bank. But at what expense?
Feeling relief from stress only two weeks in a year (maybe four if I was lucky) is no compensation for long term health. Eventually my body gave up and had a temporary (thankfully) hissy fit at being so on edge for most of the year that I was signed off sick for several months.
If you want a life that doesn’t require a holiday to re-charge your batteries, then I invite you to listen to your heart. Does your heart love your job as much as your ego? Is your heart full of satisfaction? Is your body working at optimum health? Is your annual summer holiday enough of a compensation for the long hours, the overwhelm, the stress and the office politics?
If your heart would like some space to be heard, I provide just that. Work with me to regain perspective, balance and most of all to find out how your heart would truly like to express itself in the world.
Contact me for a free, no obligation evaluation and to discuss what your next steps might be. You know it makes sense!