After a few years in my corporate career, I felt as though my soul was being starved. I would heave myself out of bed and drag myself round the house thinking about which of the political minefields I would be navigating that day and what deadlines I’d be racing to meet. There was no meaning at work and I was stressed. My coach often used to hear me say ‘I need to find a job that feeds my soul’. Even now when I have off days, I come back to that same thought. What do I need to do to feed my soul today?
You don’t need to be religious or spiritual to understand what I mean. The fact that you’re reading this suggests that somewhere deep in your psyche, you get it. We all want this and if your soul isn’t being fed, I feel for you. When my soul was under-nourished, I was depressed. I felt under-valued. I also felt very alone.
My life began to turn around as soon as my soul was replenished.
I want that for you too. So, let’s start with some questions. As many a wise person has said, the answer is in the question.
If your work fed your soul, what would it be like?
How would you feel?
What things would you see more of?
What would you be hearing?
How would you know that your soul was being fed?
If the answers to these questions don’t immediately come to you, I invite you to ponder them over the next few days. If you can, go somewhere quiet. The answers will emerge. They are within you, they may just need a little teasing out.
By way of example, these are my answers. Please know, there are no right or wrong answers:
My work uplifts me and gives me energy.
I feel valuable and worthwhile.
I see smiling faces; relief; light-bulb’s going on; the sparkle return.
I hear aha’s; sighs of relief; excitement and gratitude.
I know that my soul is being fed when I feel deeply satisfied.
Another great exercise to do is:
Write a list of 100 things you love!
I had been so stuck in the negativity of my daily grind that my list reminded me to take opportunities to bring some joy back into my life, even if it was as simple as stopping to listen if a horse went by my window (I love the sound of horses hooves). As my soul became a little more nourished, I grew more resilient and was able to focus on what I needed to do to tackle my career.
In Parts Two and Three I explore some other ways you can feed your soul.
If you’d like to get support to feed your soul then please contact me. I’d be delighted to hear from you.
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